Hi, I know its been a bit since I last spoke or evven updated the site. I havebeen working my job a lot as of recent however that didn't stop me from still performing a DJ set. Please, be sure to check out Music Box when you can :). Till next time... -Grvbo
Did you guys enjoy it? I hope so, in case you didnt see it be sure to click on the bottom icon under all the buttons. It will lead you to a DJ set, Grvbcore Chapter I to be specific. I plan to do Chapter II sometime but I hope whoever actually checks this website out checks out the content on it. Anyways that's all I gotta say, imma work on the news page sometime. Also logs look has been updated bye! -Grvbo
A new button has been added on the menus. I'll let you click it, also the header has been updated with some new words. :) I hope when you get to it, you enjoy what is there.
Have you ever been on nightwalks? I think they are pretty great with a playlist or something to go with it, it's like you see more in detail in the faint light in the night. Whether that detail is good or not it doesn't matter. I think if you are reading this, try a night walk sometime they are pretty nice.
So the website has received its first proper update with most of the sounds and parts working accordingly. Obviously this websites aesthetic is based (ripped off tbh) from the Tsuki Project system.space site. However this aesthetic is just for myself etc etc. I claim no ownership as stated in the html right at the top of every site. With this update is the Logs part of the site where I can post my logs and updates to the site. So far apparently 1k people have visited which is neato. Also added is my first DJ set on the Music Box section. Feel free to check it out, or not it don't matter. This is just something for me to do on my freetime and if people enjoy it then hey it is what it is. Expect some secrets to be hidden here, have you clicked on Siegepilled Lain in the Hub? :) till then. -Grvbo